Welcome to the RRPictureArchives.NET contributor site of Ray Soderberg.
I've been taking pictures since the mid 70's using Agfa and Kodak film. Scenery/landscape, aircraft, buildings and railroads have been favorites. Like most other folks, I've converted to digital cameras and like the ease of use and small size of the new equipment.
A majority of my early photos are of B&O/Chessie System as I lived 200' from Metropolitan Subdivision in Maryland. I'd sit on the back porch and watch the daily parade of freight and passenger trains. Brunswick, MD was a favorite place to visit and I got to know many railroad employees. They made me feel welcome and at home sitting around the round house. I guess these RR visits were one of the causes of the infection I caught that has kept me around railroads for almost 30 years. Watching and working on railroads has been a life persuit with many, many days of enjoyment. Yes, even those 12 hour days on a train were mostly fun. Besides, the railroads would pay me to run and ride on trains- crazy.
Today I spend most of my spare time at the Walkersville Southern Railroad in Walkersville, MD so stop by and I'll show you around.
Today is May 31, 2012 and I'm begining the process of scanning and uploading 1000's of images. I plan to devote time every week to add to the collection, so stop by often and see what's new.
You may browse my collection of pictures via the menu located on the left hand side of the page. I hope you enjoy the collection and thanks for stopping by!